How Pedestrian Forklift Accidents Can Be Prevented

Forklifts can be very dangerous when a warehouse does not take the appropriate steps to protect pedestrians. Many pedestrians are struck and injured or killed. However, implementing a warehouse pedestrian detection system can help protect pedestrians from tragic accidents.

Why Pedestrian Forklift Accidents Often Occur

Many warehouses have blind spots that cause pedestrians or workers to not see that danger is right around the corner. Electric forklifts, unlike gas-powered forklifts, can also be very quiet, and a pedestrian might simply not hear the forklift.

A forklift can be dangerous on all four sides, and even a pedestrian who is on the side of the forklift might have their foot run over. A forklift can also have a surprisingly large turning radius and the forklift might swing to the side and strike a pedestrian

How a Pedestrian Detection System Works

Fortunately, a pedestrian detection system can be put in place to make sure that the forklift is detected by the pedestrian. Lights and buzzers trigger when a forklift is approaching. This allows the pedestrians to be more careful.

Pedestrian Tags

The forklift driver will also be alerted to any pedestrians because the pedestrians will wear tags that will alert the driver. This can cause lights to flash, an alarm to sound, or the forklift to slow down automatically.

Increased Safety and Productivity

In addition to reducing accidents, the warehouse detection system allows for workers to be more productive because they can focus on the work at hand and can focus less on keeping distance from forklifts until one is nearby. Some employees become temporarily distracted and make mistakes regardless of how well trained they are. While the best way to protect employees is to train them on how to avoid forklifts, an alarm system will help new employees stay safe. 

Safety Systems are Easy to Install

Reducing the number of injuries your employees suffer is the right thing to do and will also reduce workers' compensation costs and help your warehouse avoid fines. For this reason, it's a great idea to implement a warehouse pedestrian detection system. 

The good news about a warehouse pedestrian detection system is that it can be very easy to install. The safety experts will install the system for you and answer any of your questions. They may also be able to provide you with additional advice, such as creating pedestrian-only zones so pedestrians can navigate the warehouse without worrying about an accident.
