You Depend On Your Bucket Truck: 3 Tips To Help Get It Ready For Winter

Winter is just around the corner. If you own your own business, it's time to prepare for the inclement weather. This is particularly true if your business depends on a bucket truck. If your truck breaks down in the middle of winter, you may find yourself out of work while you wait for repairs. That's why it's crucial that you winterize your truck before the extreme weather sets in. Here are three steps you can take to get your bucket truck ready for winter.

Make Sure the Battery is up to the Task

The last thing you want is to get stuck somewhere with a dead battery. Before winter arrives, make sure that the battery in your truck is up to the task. Stop by your local repair shop and have the battery tested. If it's not strong enough to make it through the winter, replace it now. Better to start the winter with a fresh battery than to face a breakdown while you're on the job.

Inspect the Fuel Filter

If you've got a water separator that works in conjunction with your fuel filter, you'll need to make sure that they're both working properly before winter arrives. Cold weather can lead to an increased amount of condensation, which can cause water deposits in your fuel. Your water separator should remove the water before problems occur. However, if the fuel filter isn't functioning properly, the water separator will have a difficult time doing its job.

For best results, inspect your fuel filter at least once a month during the winter. If it shows signs of damage, replace the fuel filter as soon as possible. While you're at it, be sure to add a winter fuel additive to your fuel. This will help prevent water build-up in your fuel tank.

Get the Engine Ready for Cold Weather Operation

There's nothing worse than heading out to your truck on a cold morning to find that your engine froze and won't start. That's where an electric block heater comes in. if you have a block heater installed on your truck, have it inspected before the cold temperatures set in. If you don't have an electric block heater, you should talk to your mechanic about having one installed. A block heater can prevent lost work hours, and keep your engine running smoothly this winter.

You depend on your bucket truck. Use the tips provided here to make sure that your work truck is ready to withstand the cold temperatures this winter. For other tips on how to prevent mechanical problems this winter, be sure to speak to your mechanic and a parts supplier like Utility Equipment Parts, LLC.
